The most advanced electronic ultrasonic antifouling system for boats.
Kunste is a device, entirely studied, designed and assembled in Italy, which thanks to ultrasound technology, will help you protect the submerged hull of your boat, significantly reducing the proliferation of marine organic formations. It’s an ultrasonic antifouling technology.

Movie kindly sent to us by one of our customers, who purchased a Dual Model control unit, about 3 months before shooting it. The power plant has been applied to its 8m boat, which has been stationary in the water for about a year and a half, therefore already with a dirty hull.
The result, as visible from the video, is astounding, as the ease with which you can clean the hull, only using a brush, considering the short time since the installation of the Dual Kunste control unit is truly incredible.
Kunste – ultrasonic antifouling system
Email: info@kunste.it – Phone +39.06.53274751 – Mobile +39.348.5849438
P.IVA 08517811009